DeLand is a Paint Easel
I confess I don't really get Art, Why do some pictures merit hanging in the Louvre and while others are posted on grandma’s refrigerator door? As a kid, I loved to pull out those Crayola crayons, putting color to everything: walls, paper, myself. But now, as an adult, when I say the word art, I have to immediately follow it with fart. And then giggle. Artfart. I apologize if this offends, but it’s true, it’s just streams out of my mouth, rhyming, sing-song like. Why do I put these two words together? It must stem from the term, artsy-fartsy, the term for fancy highbrow art.
Even in my muddled state, I understand that art is vital to a city. Urban experts measure of quality of life by a city's art. They also report it’s important for workforce development, workforce retention, revitalization and economic development. Simply, arts attract people.
DeLand, with its collage of art availability, is painting a colorful picture. Art is not only in museums, but along the Boulevard. I call it the People's Art. There’s a lot going on, a cacophony of art delivery, from the Museum of Florida Art, the Art Walk, sponsored by Mainstreet DeLand, the sidewalk sculpture, to the historic buildings on the Boulevard. DeLand is a paint easel.
For the serious lover of art, The Museum of Art is a nonprofit, dedicated to collecting and preserving fine art. They are currently hosting painter Jill Cannady's work (Jan 17-May 11). To preview her work, check out her YouTube video, Jill Cannady. On the video, she speaks about her background and works.
While the Museum focuses on fine art, other milieu surrounds us. Take a walk down the Boulevard. I bet at some point, you’ll be looking up at the pastels and textures of the historic buildings. Common-man murals depict our city’s history. Comment-causing sculptures are located throughout the city.
Lucky for us, DeLand is not artsy-fartsy, but artsy-smartsy. It has recognized that good art is in the eye of the beholder. Just take a stroll down the Boulevard and enjoy.